Maintenance Updates

25th November, 2021
Hello everyone, We appreciate there have been various maintenance issues cropping-up at ESAM over the past month and write to provide you with an update on these matters. Automatic Entrance Door and Security Alarm The entrance door has been problematic since new sensors were fitted a few weeks ago. A new door header system (control panel) is on order and this is due to be fitted on Tuesday 30 November. Once this has been installed it should rectify the issue with the security alarm activating out-of-hours and not being able to be re-set. Zip HydroTap in First Floor Kitchen We have had numerous issues with Zip HydroTaps across the portfolio and the cost of repairing/maintaining them would have meant a significant rise in the maintenance rent that tenants pay. Therefore, the decision has been made by the Council to replace them with wall-mounted hot water boilers. Unfortunately chilled, filtered water will not be available in the first floor kitchen any longer, but it is still available in the ground floor kitchen. Alternatively, tenants can source their own filtered water for use in their units. A replacement splashback for the first floor kitchen is being ordered will be fitted as soon as possible. Apologies for the all inconvenience first floor tenants have experienced over the past week. Signage New signage is currently being produced and this should be in place in the car park soon. There will be a Tenant Directory Board positioned next to the barrier and additional signs to direct visitors to Reception and the ground floor units. Window Cleaning It has been requested that the bi-monthly window cleaning regime be reinstated and this will include cleaning of the bike shelter from now on. The next clean is scheduled for December 2021. Exterior Cladding A request has be submitted for the white cladding to be cleaned to improve the appearance of ESAM. We are awaiting confirmation of the date when this will happen. ANPR Camera The ANPR system is not currently recognising all tenants’ car number plates, which means the barrier is not automatically lifting outside the hours of 8.00 am – 6.00 pm and over the weekend. We are in the process of arranging for the system re-calibrated, but in the meantime please continue to use your Verex swipe card to activate the barrier. Should you have any queries in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, CDC Commercial Property Team